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Bringing dd-cfDNA testing to your own laboratory

One workflow. Reliable results.

dd-cfDNA Overview

Donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA) is used as a biomarker to assess organ health and rejection risk status

dd-cfDNA has a very short half life (30 minutes – 2 hours) and elevations can be detected almost immediately1

The use of dd-cfDNA as a tool for transplant monitoring is well established in over 60 publications across multiple transplant types

GraftAssure TM is a dd-cfDNA test that uses droplet digital PCR (dPCR) technology to measure the concentration of dd-cfDNA using 48 predefined SNPs with high minor allele population frequency. The kit enables the determination of both fractional (%) and absolute (copies/mL) concentration of dd-cfDNA for a comprehensive understanding of the amount of dd-cfDNA in the sample.

Highlights & Advantages of GraftAssure

One workflow for any sample

Generate dd-cfDNA results using both fractional abundance (%)
and absolute concentration (cp/mL)

In-house testing generates quick results

dPCR is a cost-effective way to quantify dd-cfDNA

Low sample input volume required

Conduct high quality research on dd-cfDNA applications in your own lab

Average hands-on time < 30 minutes

Simple and Consistent Workflow

Centrifuge blood tubes and collect plasma

30 minutes*

DNA extraction

20 minutes


40 minutes

Digital PCR

3-7 hours

Results available

4-8 hours*

Kit Specifications

  • Up to 24 samples may be analyzed per kit
  • All kit components are lyophilized to maximize reagent stability and enable easy transportation and storage of materials

Interested in purchasing GraftAssure?

Click below to set up an onboarding call with one of our specialists.
GraftAssure Components in Kit Quantity
Reagents Allele-Specific dd-PCR Reagents 24 Sets
Preamplification Reagents 1 Vial
Total Quantification ddPCR Reagents 1 Vial

For Research Use Only.
Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

We’re here to help

Oncocyte Customer Service can answer any questions you have.

Please contact us at:
Phone: 844-621-8880
Email: service@oncocyte.com

REFERENCES 1. Oellerich M, Sherwood K, Keown P, et al. (2021). Liquid biopsies: donor-derived cell-free DNA for the detection of kidney allograft injury. Nat Rev Nephrol 17(9):591.

© 2024 Oncocyte Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Oncocyte and GraftAssure are trademarks of Oncocyte Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For the intended uses of GraftAssure and other products, please refer to www.oncocyte.com.