
Focused on tomorrow to

deliver better patient care today

Oncocyte is a precision diagnostics company with a mission to improve patient outcomes by providing personalized insights that inform critical decisions throughout the patient care journey.




Healthcare Providers and Patients

Unfortunately, cancer is a leading cause of death in the United States. Every year, employers, insurance companies, taxpayer-funded programs, and patients and their families spend more than 150 billion dollars on cancer-related health care.1

We imagine a better future

Yet despite the availability of more advanced screening methods and treatments, we are still fighting a losing battle. This is particularly true for cancer, for which survival rates have not significantly improved in more than 50 years.2 Oncocyte is a molecular diagnostics company with a mission to provide actionable answers to physicians and patients at critical decision points across the patient care continuum. Our goal is to provide tests and solutions that may help diagnosis and treatment, leading to improved patient outcomes and reducing the overall cost of care.
Our Team

Executive Leadership

Oncocyte’s leadership team has extensive experience in molecular diagnostics and is dedicated to advancing the continuum of care.

Josh Riggs

President & Chief Executive Officer

Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Schütz


Chief Science Officer

Yuh-Min (Johnson) Chiang


Senior Vice President, R&D and Product Development

Sandra O’Donald

Senior Vice President, Business Operations

Ryan Andrews

Vice President, Commercial

Peter Hong

Vice President, General Counsel

James Liu

Senior Director, Controller & Principal Accounting Officer

Andrea James

Chief Financial Officer

We believe

in the power of possibilities. Do you?

We are looking for dedicated individuals to help us bring innovative solutions to physicians and patients. Interested?

Take a look at our open opportunities to become a member of Team Oncocyte!

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Oncocyte’s laboratory located in Nashville, TN, holds a CLIA Certificate of Accreditation from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Oncocyte also holds clinical laboratory licenses from California and 48 other US states.

Photo of pipette dropping liquid in test tubes

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    1. National Cancer Institute. Cancer Prevalence and Cost of Care Projections. Accessed October 17, 2019 from costprojections.cancer.gov. 2. American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2017. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; 2017.

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